
Ultrasounds can be carried out using a smartphone

The start-up EchOpen has developed an ultraportable ultrasound probe for smartphones, intended for general practitioners and emergency physicians. This ...




The polar bear: new victim of the H5N1 virus

Often considered the symbol of climate change, the polar bear is now also a victim of the H5N1 virus, a virus which mainly affects birds. In Alaska, a ...




Flu in France: the epidemic spreads to new regions

The flu epidemic is spreading in France, with two additional regions, Hauts-de-France and Île-de-France, going on epidemic alert for week 51 (December ...




France: prawns recalled due to flesh-eating bacteria

Prawns sold by Magasins U are being recalled in France this Tuesday, December 26 due to contamination by the potentially fatal Vibrio vulnificus bacteria. ...




Stop smoking through sport: a program on medical prescription

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in France. Each year, it is responsible for 75,000 deaths, including 46,000 from cancer.

Reduce ...




Healthy life expectancy: decreasing indicator in 2022, according to Drees

Healthy life expectancy decreased in 2022 compared to the previous year, although it has been increasing since 2008. At age 65, women can expect to live ...




Two Wombs, Two Babies: The Incredible Story of Kelsey Hatcher

Kelsey Hatcher, an American woman with a rare birth defect called a “didelphus uterus,” has given birth to two daughters, Roxi and Rebel, each from a different ...




Covid: a first case of vocal cord paralysis in a teenager

In the United States, a 15-year-old girl developed vocal cord paralysis after contracting Covid-19. Thirteen days after infection, she was admitted to ...




More than 6,700 full hospitalization beds were closed in 2022

In 2022 in France, 6,700 full hospitalization beds will be closed, continuing a downward trend for 20 years. Public and private hospitals had 374,290 beds ...




“QR codes” soon to be tested to replace paper notices in boxes

In France, an experiment will be launched in 2024 to test the addition of QR codes on medicine boxes, as part of an ecological planning strategy for the ...




UFC-Que Choisir calls for a limitation on fee overruns

In France, UFC-Que Choisir, the consumer association, filed an appeal against the government for “inaction” in terms of access to care. She proposes to ...




Sanofi partners with Aqemia to revolutionize medical research with AI

Sanofi has partnered with Parisian deeptech Aqemia to develop new drugs using a platform based on quantum-inspired physics and generative artificial intelligence. ...




ANSES warns against an insecticide used against bedbugs

ANSES warns against the use of the insecticide Sniper, produced in China and banned in the EU due to its toxicity.

Despite its ban in 2013, ...




Flu: three regions in pre-epidemic phase

As the flu begins to spread in three French regions, vaccination figures are disappointing. The Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, urges an increase ...




Serious allergy to an antiseptic: alert from health authorities

The Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) has issued an alert on chlorhexidine, an antiseptic commonly used to disinfect wounds. She noted a “constant increase” ...




Chikungunya: The first vaccine soon authorized in Europe

The chikungunya virus has already spread to more than 110 countries and the risk of chikungunya spreading in Europe is relatively high. Chikungunya is ...




Inequalities in access to care: UFC-Que Choisir takes the State to court

The UFC-Que Choisir contacted the Council of State to denounce the inaction of the French government in the face of worsening medical demographics and ...




Patient regains speech after larynx transplant

A 49-year-old woman recently benefited from the first larynx transplant in France, carried out in Lyon. She was breathing through a tracheotomy and had ...




France: meningitis at “never reached” levels according to the Pasteur Institute

The Pasteur Institute has warned of an unprecedented increase in meningococcal meningitis in France, following the lifting of post-Covid-19 health measures. ...


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