Obesity and joint pain, the benefits of Chiropractic
Overweight and obesity promote joint pain and keep those affected away from essential physical activity. This is where chiropractors have a role to play. Painful ...
Supporting babies towards independence
Child autonomy is one of the greatest challenges of parenting because our infants are particularly dependent and vulnerable. The prisms of autonomy ...
Erectile dysfunction: shedding light on a taboo subject!
Too often considered as a pathology of comfort, even though they affect 30% of the French male population, all ages combined, erectile dysfunction is a ...
Menopause: Better understand this period of life!
Menopause is part of every woman's life journey; it does not mark the end but a continuation. Consequences on all levels It is still too often ...
Covid-19: Historic drop in life expectancy
Covid-19 marked a historic decline in global life expectancy in 2020 and 2021, interrupting an upward trend observed for decades. A recent study published ...
Glucose: friend or foe?
The more sugars (or carbohydrates) you eat, the more insulin you secrete, the more fats you store and the more you maintain an inflammatory state in your ...
Living better with irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of our intestine which is no longer able to properly digest food, causing many of the symptoms we experience ...
Helping your child ease their anxieties
Fear of the dark, of the unknown or of change, worries about the future, fear of how others will look… As children grow, their reasons for being anxious ...
Maintain balance to live in good health
Current longevity deserves that we give ourselves every chance to remain independent as long as possible. Towards better self-knowledge In ...
How to correct your postures on a daily basis!
Our modern, sedentary society has reduced our ability to move. It has standardized our movements throughout the day, consciously or unconsciously. Rethink ...
Eradicate Candidiasis in 5 steps!
You suffer from fatigue, digestive, sleep or mood disorders, allergies, food intolerances or muscle and joint pain... What if it was candidiasis? 30 ...
Prevent and treat osteoarthritis from an early age!
At 40, having muscle or joint pain seems normal to us. But learning that we suffer from osteoarthritis is very surprising, because this disease usually ...
Diets: avoid dead ends and make the right choices
Diets flourish, seduce then disappear. In the meantime, they sometimes generate revenue but also cause damage. Some, however, are necessary. A ...
A guide to 700 foods in detail to eat better!
Well before the current craze for low GI foods, the online media LaNutrition published in 2011 a guide bringing together the glycemic index, the glycemic ...
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