A guide to 700 foods in detail to eat better!
Well before the current craze for low GI foods, the online media LaNutrition published in 2011 a guide bringing together the glycemic index, the glycemic ...
Microbiota: Take care of your intestine
Health starts with the gut. The microbiota – generic name for the billions of bacteria that populate the digestive tract – is today considered an organ ...
Sex: Research, medicine and health!
Certain diseases – Alzheimer’s, depression – affect women more. But we find four times more autism among boys, and 20% more cancers among men. What if ...
Understanding endometriosis and uterine fibroids
While one in ten women suffer from endometriosis and one in three women of childbearing age develop a uterine fibroid, these conditions are little known, ...
Swollen stomach: Learn to identify the various causes!
Bloating, muscle relaxation, food intolerances, excess weight, postpartum, irritable bowel syndrome: the causes of a bloated stomach are multiple. Causes ...
Potassium: a vital element often overlooked!
Our body has basic needs: proteins, quality lipids, vitamins and minerals, including potassium. A role in the prevention of chronic diseases In ...
Health: have the right reflexes in the face of every ailment!
Antibodies, immunity, symptom, thrombosis, comorbidity, resuscitation, serology, vaccine, virus… A continuous flow of inconsistent information What ...
Learn to control your uric acid levels
Uric acid, a byproduct of various types of foods, is naturally eliminated through urine. A direct threat to health However, too ...
Nitrites: choose better what we put on our plates
For many French people, charcuterie is synonymous with pleasure and conviviality. A carcinogenic additive However, certain everyday ...
Everything you need to know to better understand spondyloarthritis
Spondyloarthritis is a slowly progressive chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the spine and the sacroiliac joints of the pelvis. The ...
Learn all about bloating and get rid of it
Up to a quarter of the population in France suffers from recurrent bloating. But in reality, 100% of us have been bloated at one time or another. They ...
Functions and dysfunctions of the female perineum
The perineum can be defined as the floor of the pelvic organs. The bladder, rectum, uterus and upper third of the vagina rest on the perineum. Solutions ...
Live better with your stress
What do you really know about your stress? How does it manifest in you? Do you know how to apprehend it, put it at bay or transform it. Regain ...
Make your children successful adults
In a child-adult relationship, it is necessary to cultivate authenticity conducive to the joy and fulfillment of each person. Meeting the ...
Psoriasis and its multiple manifestations
We don't talk much about psoriasis. It is even a taboo subject for those who suffer from this “skin-prison” disease. However, it affects between 2 and ...
Autism tackled by six experts!
If more and more autistic people recognize themselves as such or receive a diagnosis of autism or autism spectrum disorders (ASD), they are often, as well ...
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