Brazilian straightening: alert on the toxicity of hair products!


  17/10/2024 | Sophie de Duiéry


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Brazilian straightening is a popular technique for straightening curly or frizzy hair, but an ingredient used is potentially toxic, French health authorities warn. This technique, originating from Brazil, allows hair to be softened or straightened without modifying its chemical structure, unlike straightening. Appreciated for long-lasting results, it allows you to have soft and shiny hair for several months.

However, straightening products containing glyoxylic acid pose a risk to the kidneys. Since the start of the year, ANSES has received four reports of acute kidney failure following the use of these products. The alert, issued in collaboration with the DGCCRF and the Ministry of Health, concerns both professionals and individuals using these products at home. The poisoned people were treated and recovered.

Expertise is underway to assess the renal toxicity of glyoxylic acid. While awaiting the results, the authorities recommend against the use of these products. Symptoms of acute kidney failure, such as nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and abdominal or lower back pain, appear a few hours after exposure. If you experience symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor or a Poison Control Center, and advise the use of a smoothing product.

  Sophie de Duiéry


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