Breast cancer and colorectal cancer: the French are not getting screened enough


  12/07/2023 | Sophie de Duiéry


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Two studies published by Public Health France (SPF) reveal that screenings for breast cancer and colorectal cancer are behind schedule in France, made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In France, women aged 50 to 74 can benefit from a mammogram every two years, while people aged 50 to 74 are eligible for colorectal cancer screening.

However, participation in breast cancer screening remains below the European target of 70%. It has declined over the past ten years, reaching around 48.5% in 2019. Due to the pandemic, it dropped to 42.6% in 2020, but increased slightly to 50.6% in 2021. Nevertheless, participation over the 2020-2021 period remains lower than that of 2018-2019.

Several factors can explain this decline, including doubts about the usefulness of screening and the shortage of doctors. It is also difficult to obtain a complete picture because mammograms are performed outside of organized screening.

Regarding colorectal cancer screening, which is the second cause of cancer death in France, the participation rate is around 32%. The health crisis has led to a reduction in the number of screening tests and delays in colonoscopies after a positive test.

Although participation rates in colorectal cancer screening have not decreased significantly during the pandemic, they still remain too low compared to European recommendations.

Measures have been put in place in 2022 to facilitate screening, including the possibility of ordering a kit online or collecting it from a pharmacy, to overcome obstacles such as prior consultation with a GP.

  Sophie de Duiéry




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