The MonParcoursPsy system was launched in April 2021 in France. It offers eight psychotherapy sessions fully reimbursed by Health Insurance for people over 3 years old suffering from mild to moderate psychological disorders. The price of the sessions has been set at 40 euros for the first consultation and 30 euros for the following ones, lasting a maximum of 30 minutes each.
Despite the figures announced by the Ministry of Health, which indicate that more than 90,000 people benefited from the system during the first year, only 7% of liberal psychologists chose to register to participate in MonParcoursPsy. Some departments have very few participating psychologists, making it difficult for patients to access care.
The reasons why so few psychologists have joined the system are multiple. Some criticize in particular the duration of the 30-minute sessions, which do not create a solid bond of trust between the therapist and the patient. Others regret the mandatory referral letter from the attending physician, which adds an additional step for patients and complicates access to care in certain regions.
Despite these criticisms, some psychologists have joined the system and consider that it can be beneficial for patients. However, they recognize that the price of the sessions, combined with the limited duration and the psychological investment required, can represent a challenge for mental health professionals. Despite a mixed assessment, MonParcoursPsy is for the moment maintained and will be evaluated no later than September 1, 2024 by the Ministry of Health.
Anthony Bourdain