For the most modest women, the consultation with the gynecologist can prove to be a real ordeal... Some even forgo their check-up visits, even though they are essential to prevent health problems, notably cervical cancer. uterus.
This will soon change the situation
Imagyne panties, specially designed to be kept on during the gynecological examination. It will allow practitioners to carry out the usual checks, such as smears or endovaginal ultrasound, while preserving the privacy of patients as much as possible.
With this device, the most modest patients will be able to take better care of their intimate health, by not neglecting their contraceptive monitoring or screenings. What's more, the examinations will be less painful for these generally tense patients.
In the coming months, in addition to a range for patients, disposable models should be offered to healthcare professionals, for use by their patients.
Sophie de Duiéry