Erectile dysfunction: shedding light on a taboo subject!


  01/04/2024 | Didier Galibert


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Too often considered as a pathology of comfort, even though they affect 30% of the French male population, all ages combined, erectile dysfunction is a public health problem. Devastating effects In their book “The sex of men, erection without taboo” Dr Hélène Sussman and Dr Ronald Virag reveal the devastating effects on the lives of citizens that erectile dysfunction can have. A multifactorial pathology This book provides the keys to rational and complete management of this multifactorial pathology, both symptom and disease, for which there are effective solutions. 30% of the two authors' patients are suicidal due to their disability and many young patients have vascular malformations that are ignored and perfectly treatable. Effective preventive measures The deterioration of the erection affecting diabetics, smokers, hypertensives, overweight very often precedes a heart attack or stroke by several years, allowing, thanks to its diagnosis, in addition to its management, effective preventive measures, particularly on the cardiac level. A frequent lack of testosterone The two authors, one a vascular doctor, the other a surgeon, address the absolute necessity in subjects over 50 years of age to compensate for the frequent lack of testosterone. They explain how scientific and individualized care makes it possible to effectively treat erectile problems, regardless of the severity of the dysfunction. Read: Men's sex, erection without taboo, by Dr Hélène Sussman and Dr Ronald Virag published by Le Cherche Midi.

  Didier Galibert



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