Parkinson's disease, physical activity soon in the care pathway?


  25/10/2023 | Pascale Pommier de Santi


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In order to improve the quality of life of patients and slow the progression of the disease, France Parkinson is mobilizing to ensure that a systematic post-diagnosis interview, provided by a physiotherapist, is part of the care pathway.

What is Parkinson’s disease?
This neurodegenerative disease affects more and more French people and is expected to increase further in the coming years. It is due to the disappearance of cells that produce dopamine in the brain, the latter being necessary for the coordination of movements. Slowness, tremors, stiffness, but also pain, anxiety, depression, the symptoms are quite diverse and most difficult to live with. Even if we cannot cure this disease, certain medications compensate for the lack of dopamine and improve quality of life. But they don't do everything.

The benefits of physical activity
This is where physical activity, which will stimulate the cells that remain to produce dopamine, finds its place. Moreover, in the recommendations of the High Authority of Health, the physiotherapist is one of the professionals involved in monitoring the disease. Issue ? In reality, the announcement of the diagnosis is rarely followed by support or psychological support. In addition, many patients have to face problems linked to medical and paramedical deserts. And finding a physiotherapist can be an obstacle course.

A post-diagnostic prevention interview
For all these reasons, the France Parkinson association wishes that following the diagnosis, a systematic consultation with the physiotherapist be added. This interview would allow the patient's physical abilities and motor disorders to be assessed. And also to inform him of the need for regular physical activity, to educate him about good exercises and to motivate him. As Murielle Dimitri, 60 years old with Parkinson’s disease, testifies, “the worst enemy of patients is stress and the best friend is sport”.

  Pascale Pommier de Santi







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