Sleep apnea and drowsiness during the day, be careful!


  03/02/2023 | Pascale Pommier de Santi


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Daytime sleepiness is one of the too often ignored consequences of sleep apnea syndrome, which can even occur in treated people. The Sleep Apnea Alliance has also launched a campaign to make us aware of its dangers.

Drowsiness increases the risk of accidents
What is sleep apnea? A common chronic disease, which manifests itself by breathing pauses during sleep causing repeated micro-awakenings which disrupt sleep. Very often we do not realize it, but sleep apnea has serious consequences on daily life. In particular chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disorders and… also drowsiness during the day. And this drowsiness, as the campaign reminds us, increases the risk of accidents at home, at work and especially on the road!

When drowsiness becomes pathological
“If drowsiness is normal in the evening before going to bed, after the lunch break or a short night, in the months following the birth of a baby,” explains Dr. Marc Sapène, president of Alliance Sleep Apnés and pulmonologist. sleep specialist, it becomes pathological when it occurs every day, at any time of the day and impacts daily activities. It is therefore characterized by difficulty staying awake with involuntary falling asleep.

Consult your doctor without delay.
Are you concerned? So don’t hesitate and consult your doctor as soon as possible. Even if you follow Positive Pressure Therapy (CPAP) because the danger remains. Despite treatments, some patients still suffer from drowsiness during the day. We then speak of residual sleepiness. In any case, let's not forget, daytime sleepiness has multiple risks, especially on the road!

To find out more, visit the website Alliance Sleep Apnea

  Pascale Pommier de Santi






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