Baby feeding, progress remains to be made!


  05/12/2022 | Pascale Pommier de Santi


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The nutri-bébé study, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary and updated every 8 years by the French Children's Food Sector (SFAE), informs us about the dietary practices and intake of children under 3 years old.

Let's be objective, the results of the nutri-bébé 2022 study show that there are still gaps between the recommendations on the diet of toddlers and the practices of parents...

Breastfeeding decreasing, introduction of cow's milk too early
Concerning breastfeeding, we see a drop in the breastfeeding rate compared to 2013 while, let's not forget, the WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months, then in addition to regular nutrition. diversified, up to 2 years. On the other hand, and undoubtedly due to confinement and teleworking, the duration of breastfeeding has increased.
According to the study, the introduction of cow's milk is too early. One in four babies, between 1 and 2 years old, consumes non-specific cow's milk and almost half of them after 2 years. However, this milk, and especially semi-skimmed milk, does not contain the essential nutrients for babies, specifies Dr Sandra Brancado, pediatrician. As a reminder, after one year, pediatricians recommend favoring the consumption of a 3rd age milk - growth milk - until the child is three years old.

Eating practices in babies: not enough good fat.
Furthermore, little ones do not consume enough lipids, in particular essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) which are essential for brain and vision development, etc. It is particularly advisable when diversifying your diet to add a spoonful teaspoon of vegetable oils – rapeseed, nuts, etc. – in lunch and evening meals. A knob of butter is also possible.

They have specific needs
Finally, the Children's Food Sector reminds us that toddlers are not mini-adults. They have specific needs and therefore a suitable diet up to three years old. It is therefore up to parents to follow the recommendations of health professionals including the pediatrician of course, who according to the study, occupies a major place of positive influence among parents of very young children. The PNNS 4, National Health Nutrition Program also provides a lot of information.

  Pascale Pommier de Santi




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