Shaken baby syndrome: how to calm a child who cries a lot?


  04/02/2022 | Alexandra Bresson


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Shaken baby syndrome refers to a head injury that occurs when a young child is violently shaken. It can cause serious neurological sequelae manifested by intellectual, visual or motor deficiencies, and by behavioral, speech or attention disorders. This abuse, carried out voluntarily by adults, sometimes in denial of the seriousness of their act, represents the most serious form of head trauma in children, knowing that those under 6 months of age are the most affected.

A government campaign has just been deployed to alert the public to the reality of this mistreatment, and thus better prevent its occurrence. She first reminds us that this tragedy very often occurs when the person taking care of the child is exasperated by his crying. Because yes, taking care of a baby is not easy, you can very quickly feel helpless. But keeping calm is essential even in the event of incessant crying, so how can we proceed? If you can't take it anymore, why not stop, knowing that it is safe to lay your baby down safely on their back and leave the room for a few moments.

This pose is essential to regain your calm, with a few tips like breathing work, a quick shower, soft music, or just letting go and crying. Also, don't hesitate to get help so you're not tempted to shake your baby: there's nothing wrong with talking to a friend, family member or other trusted person to ask for support. And don't forget that certain reflexes generally help calm your baby, who can cry up to 2 to 3 hours a day for various reasons: hunger, wet diaper, uncomfortable position, boredom or fatigue.

If your baby doesn't need to drink, eat, or be changed, try to calm him by picking him up and rubbing his belly. If too much sound or visual stimulation can trigger or make his crying worse, soothing sounds can comfort him. Some babies can also be calmed by movement, in which case put him in his stroller and take him for a walk, or rock him in your arms with slow, rhythmic movements. If, however, you have the impression that you could shake your baby in the next few moments, know that you can ask for help by calling 119 “Hello childhood in danger”, a number available 24 hours a day.

  Alexandra Bresson




  > Shaken baby syndrome and cerebral palsy




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