Gynecology: hormonal cycles, at all ages


  16/09/2021 | Jeanne Nathalie


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Ladies, you know well that your body is infinitely more complex than that of a man, due to the frequent modification of your hormonal cycles.

Cycles shorten during pre-menopause
The classic cycle between two periods is 28 days, with a variation of 25 to 32 days. But with the arrival of pre-menopause, the rhythm changes and becomes more irregular, with cycles that shorten, from 21 to 24 days, or even less. Then, these cycles become longer, before stopping with menopause. Generally, from the age of 45-47, the first symptoms of pre-menopause appear: periods become more abundant. Around the age of 50, the drastic drop in estrogen production in the body leads to the cessation of periods. However, your ovaries continue to secrete estrogen until around age 65.

Factors of early menopause
Finally, the average age of menopause can vary from one woman to another, depending on lifestyle. Thus, a very low weight or an unstable weight with increased diets can bring forward menopause to an early age of 40 years. Likewise, genetic factors can play a role as well as environmental causes, such as tobacco consumption. However, we must distinguish early, irreversible menopause from amenorrhea, which is reversible and caused by hormonal imbalance. To do this, it is necessary to have a calculation of the ovarian reserves carried out by ultrasound or by measurement of FSH, the hormones which stimulate the ovarian follicles, in order to determine the number of remaining follicles, and depending on the diagnosis, the treatments will obviously not be the same. .

  Jeanne Nathalie




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