Rotavirus is a virus responsible for acute gastroenteritis, which particularly affects infants and children under 5 years of age.
Dangerous dehydration
Even if they are not serious in most cases, these gastroenteritis, because of the diarrhea, vomiting and fever that they cause, can sometimes lead to dangerous dehydration and require hospitalization.
Two vaccines covered
To prevent these serious forms, it is recommended to vaccinate all infants aged 6 weeks to 6 months against rotavirus. Since November 26, these vaccines have been covered by Health Insurance at 65%. These are Rotarix and Rota Teq.
A vaccination that reduces the risks
In France, around 20,000 children under the age of 3 are hospitalized each year due to acute gastroenteritis. Vaccination against rotavirus reduces gastroenteritis and hospitalizations due to rotavirus infections by approximately 80%.
A different number of doses
The vaccine is given to the baby orally. This is a “drinking” vaccine. Depending on the vaccine, the number of doses is different: For Rotarix, one dose at the age of 2 months and one dose at the age of 3 months. For Rota Teq, one dose at 2 months of age, one dose at 3 months of age and one dose at 4 months of age.
Didier Galibert