Breasts: how to increase their volume without surgery?


  15/09/2021 | Frank Verain


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Some women want to have larger breasts, signs of femininity and increased power of seduction.

Surgery under local anesthesia: lipofilling
Classically, these resort to surgery under general anesthesia with the placement of breast implants. In recent years, there has been another surgical technique, more natural and under local anesthesia, to increase the volume of breasts, lipofilling. But is this technique really effective?

Inject unsightly fat into the breasts
In concrete terms, it involves digging into your own superfluous fat to inject it into the breasts. This allows a moderate increase in breast volume or to correct an asymmetry between the two breasts. For all those who are considering this operation, they can hope to go from an A to C cup, and even if part of the injected fat is reabsorbed naturally, the operation can be repeated after 6 months, and this several times, until the final result, observed after one year provided you do not lose weight.

An operation to avoid in certain cases
Please note, however, that this cosmetic procedure is not recommended for women over the age of 30 and with a known risk of breast cancer. Indeed, fat promotes the growth of cells, both good and bad, also, in the case of a mammary gland tumor, fat can in some way nourish the tumor. Another contraindication: tobacco consumption, diabetes or circulatory disorders, which can cause fat to form cysts.

Some constraints for an optimal result
This surgical procedure lasts 1 to 3 hours and the scars are very small. On the other hand, you may have bruises and sore breasts for several days. Finally a constraint for the operation to be a success: wear a party day and night for a month and not do any sport but rejoice because this operation has a double effect: that of increasing the chest and eliminating fat unsightly other parts of the body!

  Frank Verain


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