Bullying at school: what can you do to help your child cope?


  08/09/2021 | C.Deperetti


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School bullying, a delicate subject which must no longer remain taboo. With the expansion of social networks, forms of harassment are diversifying, are increasingly violent and follow our children or young people home.

Pay attention to the signs and stay tuned
When suggestive signs, such as school phobia, Sunday evening apprehension, deteriorated affairs or a radical change in behavior appear, you should not hesitate to raise the issue with your child, even if it is difficult to find the answers. right words. Listening, without forcing words and not minimizing what your child says are two bases for gradually helping them to open up, at their own pace and at the right time for them.

Do not act in the child's place
Then, your first instinct should not be to act in your child's place with teachers or parents, which could reinforce the harassment. It is preferable to give your child keys so that he can defend himself and respond to his harasser, in order to bring down his dominant position. Full support from you can also allow your child to escape from the victim posture in which he may have trapped himself.

In the event of a physical threat, speak to the right people
But when the harassment is too present, likely to threaten the physical integrity of your child, you must then speak to the educational advisor and the head of the establishment. Sometimes, other interlocutors are beneficial for the child: by confiding in their school nurse for example, they can find the psychological resources to denounce their harasser(s) themselves and gradually regain confidence.

Changing establishment: an extreme resort, not a substantive solution
As a last resort, you can change your child's school, particularly in the event of suicidal thoughts, but this is often not the preferred solution because the pattern can repeat itself and the harassment continue outside the school context. Also, only consider this solution if all previous strategies have failed and the teaching team proves unable to act.




  > Helping your child ease their anxieties

  > School anxiety: good advice for a good start to the school year

  > Cathy: a chatbot to fight against school bullying




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