From March 31, one euro not reimbursed on boxes of medicine


  19/02/2024 | Sophie de Duiéry


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The decree concerning the doubling of the medical franchise – that is to say the amount remaining payable by the patient – ​​was published in the Official Journal and will come into force on March 31. Faced with the deterioration of Social Security accounts, the government announced in January its intention to slightly increase the portion not reimbursed by those insured for their care. The franchise on medical transport is also doubled, from 2 to 4 euros, from March 31, according to the Official Journal. In addition, the “flat rate contribution” on consultations and medical procedures (with the exception of those carried out during hospitalization) as well as on medical biology examinations and analyzes is also doubled, reaching 2 euros. This measure has already been in force since Sunday, according to another decree published on Saturday in the Official Journal. In order not to penalize those most in need of care, the government maintains the two annual ceilings at 50 euros each (one for deductibles, the other for fixed contributions). It is important to note that these deductibles and flat-rate reimbursements do not apply to “minors, women benefiting from maternity insurance” and “beneficiaries of complementary solidarity health insurance”, who have particularly modest incomes. These increases have been strongly criticized by patient associations, who particularly fear their impact on the most vulnerable. Gérard Raymond, president of France Assos Santé, told AFP in January: “Making sick people pay double is not how we make them responsible. We blame them. » According to government estimates communicated in the fall during debates on the 2024 Health budget, this measure should enable savings of 800 million euros for Social Security funds.

  Sophie de Duiéry




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