Product recall: cordon bleu pose a risk of Listeria


  07/09/2023 | Pascal Lemontel


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The Système U supermarket chain is carrying out a massive recall of some of its cordon bleus, according to the announcement made by the official RappelConso platform. This voluntary recall concerns products sold throughout France due to a risk of contamination by Listeria bacteria.

To be more precise, the products concerned are “U” brand turkey cordon bleu, sold in packs of two in 200 gram trays. The barcode number of the recalled product is 3256228120465, and the expiration date indicated is September 13, 2023. This recall concerns the entire French territory, given that these products may have been distributed in all types of supermarkets of the brand (Super U, Hyper U, U Express and Utile).

The recall is linked to a potential risk of Listeria contamination. The official RappelConso website recommends that customers who still have these products stop consuming them immediately, return them to the point of sale where they were purchased, and contact Système U consumer service on 09 69 36 69 36. Stores will then proceed with the reimbursement.

If symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches appear after consuming the product, consult a doctor, mentioning the consumption. Listeriosis can be serious and appear up to eight weeks later. Pregnant women, immunocompromised people and the elderly should be particularly vigilant. If in doubt, it is strongly recommended to consult a general practitioner.

  Pascal Lemontel




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