School anxiety: good advice for a good start to the school year


  29/08/2023 | Nicolas Bourboin


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For our little darlings who are going back to school after several months of break, the start of the school year is often synonymous with stress and anxiety... but don't panic, it's completely normal!

Head to the unknown!
Which teacher will I have? Will I be in the same class as my best friend? How will the “grown-ups” behave with me?... So many questions which are undoubtedly going round and round in the head of your child who will take a new step towards the unknown. What seems like a small challenge to us can seem like an insurmountable mountain to him. Hence the importance of finding the right words to help them overcome it and forget their apprehensions.

Take the time to explain to demystify
It is important to demystify this return to school day and explain to your children how it will happen, without being afraid to go into details because they need reference points: “you are going to discover your master or mistress, then he or she she will make the roll call to make sure everyone is present. Then around 10 a.m. at recess you will be able to chat and then play with your friends. You will see the day will pass quickly and this evening you will have lots of things to tell us! ". It is also important to show him that you understand his anxieties by, for example, confiding in him: “you know when I was your age, I also had a lump in my stomach, that’s normal. In first grade, I didn't know anyone in my class but quickly I made lots of friends."

The importance of D-Day
To avoid any additional stress on the big day, the key word is: ORGANIZATION. Wake him up early enough so he can have a good breakfast, shower, get dressed and check his school bag one last time with you! Then, if your schedule allows it, accompany him to his class and take a few minutes to stay with him and chat with his teacher so that the immersion goes smoothly. When leaving, remind him who will come to pick him up and at what time: he needs guidance, don't forget that!

A well-deserved reward...
Finally, to show him your pride and congratulate him on having “overcome” this mountain, plan a small gift that you will give him in the evening when he tells you about his day (a nice diary, a watch, etc.).

  Nicolas Bourboin



  > Cathy: a chatbot to fight against school bullying

  > Bullying at school: what can you do to help your child cope?





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