Revolutionary lenses to combat myopia in children


  18/04/2023 | Sophie de Duiéry


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Myopia is a vision disorder that causes blurred distance vision due to too great a distance between the cornea and the retina. This public health problem is growing in all developed countries, but glasses slowing its development in children seem to be effective.

These myopia “braking” lenses are relatively new on the market and use integrated technologies which make it possible to correct the visual disorder but also to slow down its development in children with progressive myopia. They are based on innovative technology with a constellation of microlenses which aim to correct peripheral hyperopia, characteristic of the myopic eye, and thus slow the progression of myopia.

Several clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these new generation lenses, such as the “Stellest” lenses from the French company EssilorLuxottica or the “Miyosmart” lenses manufactured by the Japanese company Hoya. A study published at the beginning of April in the journal Scientific Reports concluded that there is indeed a slowing of myopia and that there is no "rebound effect" when stopping the lens. The two optical groups report a slowdown of 60% to 67% on average, compared to conventional lenses, when the glasses are worn 12 hours a day.

These new lenses provide hope when according to current projections, half of the world's population will be myopic in 2050. Researchers agree on the fact that myopia is favored by the increase in time spent indoors, the lack of exposure to natural light or excessive demand on near vision. Healthcare professionals are enthusiastic about these new solutions.

However, their cost is an obstacle, as they can cost up to 100 euros more than traditional prescription lenses. The High Authority for Health (HAS) recognized the service provided by the Hoya lens system, but deemed it “minor”. Health professionals are therefore calling for better reimbursement to allow all children with myopia to benefit from these lenses and thus reduce the risk of future pathologies such as retinal detachment, glaucoma and early cataracts.

  Sophie de Duiéry


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